It Has Always Been the Pandemic of the CINDT – Chronic Inflammation, Nutrient Deficiency, and Toxicity
It has always been the pandemic of the CINDT: Chronic Inflammation, Nutrient Deficiency, and Toxicity
This new study from Tufts finds that 63.5% of hospitalizations for Covid-19 are due to preventable health factors such as obesity, heart failure, DM, and hypertension. Dariush Mozaffarian, lead author of this study and Dean of the Friedman School says:
"While newly authorized COVID-19 vaccines will eventually reduce infections, we have a long way to go to get to that point. Our findings call for interventions to determine whether improving cardiometabolic health will reduce hospitalizations, morbidity, and health care strains from COVID-19. We know that changes in diet quality alone, even without weight loss, rapidly improve metabolic health within just six to eight weeks. It’s crucial to test such lifestyle approaches for reducing severe COVID-19 infections, both for this pandemic and future pandemics likely to come."
For anyone looking at the root causes of illnesses, the findings of this study are very welcome but not surprising at all.
In fact, I had listed these factors in my blog on Covid in April 2020. I came to similar conclusions based on my understanding of the human mind-body system, the immune system and the factors that affect the balanced functioning of the immune system. This is not rocket science. The interventions needed are also fairly simple and extremely cost effective with huge ROI.
Here's the relevant information from my blog of April 2020:
If reports of contagiousness and spread from other countries hold true for the US, then, because of our chronic disease problem, I am afraid we will have far worse outcomes than in other countries.
This association between susceptibility to infections and individual health is nothing new. Throughout history, whenever an epidemic struck; it is the poor, the downtrodden, that pay the heaviest price – common factors being: living in overcrowded, unsanitary conditions; food scarcity or poor access to nutrient dense food; poor access to health care; comorbidity with other chronic diseases, etc. Which are all the same risk factors associated with this current pandemic as well. This study discusses the effects of poverty and health inequalities on epidemics.
Hence, in my view, optimizing each person’s metabolic health may be an important factor in defeating this pandemic. Although we are in the middle of the pandemic, implementing such “prevention strategies” can be effective and may even offer a cheaper way to avert a major tragedy. The good news is that we can achieve these goals in a relatively short period of time with timely, strategic public health education and initiatives. Given the seriousness of the pandemic, if I asked you to give up junk food and processed food, while taking some vitamin D or fish oil capsules; will you not make this change for a short period of time?
So, who is with me? How about we take charge of our health and become empowered health warriors!
Contact us today if you are ready to for this journey!