Thank you for supporting holistic psychiatry. You are one of the few and I wish there were more of you to help those who need healing. After standing by the side of a close relative that experienced psychiatric hospitalization, I am appalled by the standard of care from mainstream psychiatrists. The stories I have are horrific: no informed consent, drugging coercion, involuntary commitments and, in the end, little healing. So sad.

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You can do an internet search but I caution you that not all psychiatrists are holistic. They may say they are, but interview them to be sure. Many psychiatrists are medication management specialists and will only treat symptoms with psychotropic drugs. In the long run, your brain adjusts to the medications, creating a chemical imbalance. It is hard for many to stop psychotropics and can take a very long time.

Just like Aruna's newsletter, you need someone to treat you holistically so you get well.

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