The legal issue is separate from the clinical one. The verdict is consistent with the basic principles of medical malpractice & “foreseeability” of a particular outcome. From a clinical perspective I would agree with much of what the author has written. The rapid & frequent changing of medications is not suited to help the patient as much as it is to placate a 3rd party payor. As I have been “off-grid” for decades, I don’t get caught up in that.

Central to treatment is the doctor-patient relationship, which must include a commitment on both sides. Communication is important, and from what is presented it seems that it was mostly the patient/family reporting symptoms, the doc dictating treatment. DIALOGUE is mandatory, a sense of “team” is crucial so that the patient will reach out as needed & not feel isolated.

There isn’t anything suggesting what the family dynamics actually looked like, and how things have changed with abstinence from alcohol. What else was he doing, was he involved in any recovery groups? Such support is vital when difficulties hit, especially if if the patient tells someone else of symptoms & then is reassured “yeah, I went through that, it will get better” OR “gee, that strange, you ought to talk to your doc”. I have seen both scenarios play out over the years.

The lack of any sense of who this guy is as a person comes through loud & clear. That’s unfortunate. I realized in training that I like the PEOPLE more than their organs! I used to do a good bit of forensics work, and from the info presented I could have had a hard time as a plaintiff’s expert. It is horribly sad, but that isn’t where the law sits. Certainly more info assessing potential dangerousness is needed, but no “smoking gun”, rather an indictment on the devolution of psychiatry.

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The point I am making is that the "science", the "psychiatric guild", and by extension the legal system that depends on the former 2; is completely out of touch with reality. Until the "science" catches up, the legal system will not. From my perspective as a holistic psychiatrist (with a strong background in general medicine, neurology and pharmacology), my indictment is that this man's murder/suicide is a result of his medical treatment - which includes negligence of the metabolic/toxic factors that he clearly had; while adding the burden of rapidly changing poly-psycho-pharmacy. IMHO, akathisia was the most likely underlying cause that drove this gentleman to murder and suicide. Until psychiatrists and other mental health professionals are trained to identify akathisia and its dangers, we will continue to see such horrors. On the other hand, a psychiatrist who fully understands akathisia will barely be tempted to prescribe these meds!


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AuroINcorrect strikes again and wants you to be a vacation destination 😁. Thank you Dr Aruna!

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Dr Aruba, yes psychiatry must be expanded and corrected, re-conceived! Please communicate with Dr James Greenblatt at https://psychiatryredefined.org who is doing so as you are. His testing recommendations and analysis should be the first step for any psych patient imo. Check out his book on antidepressant withdrawal on Amazon as well.

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Psychiatry and the whole mental health system is a fraud. There are no labs run relative to pinning a faulty diagnosis from the (likely perpetrated DSM 5 tome) onto the patient. This man's history screams of 1-malnutrition (severe), 2-brainwave aberration, 3-deficiency of an appropriate full medical work up by a truly qualified physician (most are not really even practicing but following the horribly composed algorithms to meet the mandates of their corrupt corporate employers.) 4-No fully developed history or well defined treatment plan with relative goals, etc. NO SCIENCE AT ALL and this is called medicine? The whole system is outrageously flawed and manned by bought physicians who either have NO real classical training or are hidebound by their corp entities and the govt's mandate or insurance mandates for specific neglect of proper assessment from a multisystem approach with actual lab work. This fellow probably had high homocysteine, severe mineral depletion including zinc which is the precursor which is essential before other nutrients can be absorbed. AND again and again psychiatrists are able to neglect all the science that is associated with medical care and simply pin a label on a person and neglect the real INVESTIGATION. Drugs are NOT the answer and it is shocking to see that these systems continue and hundreds of thousands of people are thereby harmed by the psychotropics and any truly adequate treatment is denied due to a failure to diagnose. Each category in DSM 5 is likely one without ANY science behind it!!!! (Suspicions are that the drug cartels invented the DSM so they could invent or expand a diagnostic category so that they could sell a new drug again and again. Psychotropics are alive and well while patients have no hope of any quality of life due to the drugging. This is NOT right!!

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Before going to a psycho-trist go first to a wholisitic medicine physician. The science is on his/her side.

Always do your own research first. No one will take care of your health with more determination than yourself!

Never google/bing/yahoo, better uncensored mojeek.com, gigablast.com, yandex.com(?), etc.

Never trust main journals (they are already co-opted by Big Pharmafia).

Remember how important gut microbiome is. My saying (based on many papers): "a yogurt a day, keeps the psychiatrist away"

Some examples I found:

Anti-depressants “worsening depression and increased risk of suicidality” (1) or increasing “the risk of events that can lead to suicide and violence in adults with no sign of a mental disorder” (2):

(1) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6493906/

“Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors [SSRIs] may cause worsening of suicidal ideas in vulnerable patients “


The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires "black box warnings" on all SSRIs, which state that they double suicidal ideation rates (from 2 in 1,000 to 4 in 1,000) in children and adolescents.

Lenzer J. "Antidepressants double suicidality in children, says FDA". 2006 BMJ. 332 (7542): 626. PMC 1403224. PMID 16543316 https://doi.org/10.1136%2Fbmj.332.7542.626-c

(2) https://pharmaceutical-journal.com/article/news/antidepressants-associated-with-increased-risk-of-suicidal-thoughts-in-healthy-adults

Some mental disorders are linked to gut microbiome:


It is VERY IMPORTANT to have in mind the unbelievably dangerous context we are living in:


FREE “wake-up” MOVIES !

15 million watched the first one in 3 days!

Watch as if your lives depended on it: literally!


2035 You'll go nowhere and you'll be happy =(


The REAL COVID timeline:

It’s Bio-BOMB, like the vx, not what you were drilled


Bio-BOMB, not “vaccine”, not “gene-therapy”

This 5th gen war, includes a war on semantics.


What do bioweapons have to do with the Department of Energy?

Anybody answering these questions PLEASE ? !!!


Amnesty or JUSTICE:


Doc says: oops! I'm a complete IDIOT


Prof. Fred A. Nazar

PS some few cases of "mental" illnesses are just demonic possession. It's easy to test them: try if there's a reaction to a drop of Catholic or Orthodox holy water, without the person noticing it. Only those types of Priests can heal that type of spiritual problem.

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PROF, Nazar, there is a LOT MORE of the entity attachment going on than is permitted in psychotropia. Spirit releasement work is very helpful and yet there are few that practice this strategy and it works often when other approaches do not. This releasement work is similar to regression work and it is helpful if the practitioner has some clarvoyance, claraudience and clarscentiense. There are some very well written books on the subject. Baldwin was one of the first to write the practice and he suffered the loss of his license. Consequently there are few who practice this openly. (Dr Fiore has al good book out too. and there are several others too.)This along with naturopathic care could move the positive outcomes along the path in a much better style. unfortunately, the "evidence based practice" issue assures that these other interventions never get taught or exposed due to the nature of individual case study rather than experimental & control groups, etc. There is so much that needs to be done and is neglected due to the current flaw in the sciences in psychotropia.

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